
Jefzip #10 Delrin Chain - White


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Brand Ennis
Catalog This product can be found on page 44 of the Ennis Fabrics 7th Edition Canada Supply Catalogue

This product can be found on page 58 of the Ennis Fabrics 7th Edition USA Supply Catalogue

Collection Supply Catalogue 7th Edition
Features Nylon tooth zippers are strong and lightweight. The nature of the nylon gives them a degree of self lubrication, and they operate smoothly despite the presence of sand, mud or other contaminants. Metal zippers tend to bind in these conditions and wi
Industry Contract

Marine OEM



Primary Color White
Product Description Jefzip #10 Delrin Chain - White-Strong, lightweight, a degree of self lubrication and they run smoothly despite the presence of sand, mud or other contaminants. Chemical resistant and can handle normal laundering temperatures.
Uses Upholstery

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